Meaning of Spoiler (What it is, Concept and Definition)

spoiler originates from the verb spoil, which means to spoil, is a term of english origin. Spoiler is when some source of information, such as a website, or a friend, reveals information about the content of a book, or movie, without the person having seen it.

O spoiler It is a species of spoiler, because he is that individual who tells the endings, or what will happen to a certain character in movies, series, books, without knowing if the other person really wants to know. O spoiler it doesn't necessarily have to tell the whole fact, it can be any part of a speech, text, image or video that makes important revelations about certain subjects.

O spoiler you can act unconsciously, end up sharing what you have discovered with others, without thinking if people want to know. There is also the spoiler "professional" are those sites that specialize in telling facts about series, books and movies through information they discovered, and fans usually look for these people and/or sites.

The expression

"spoiler alert" is used when content about a movie, series, or book can reveal important elements about the story. So, if a person hasn't seen a movie or series yet and is reading about it, they know that important events about the series will be revealed, something that can spoil (spoil) viewing that movie or series.

There is also the spoiler in the aeronautical area, which are parts installed in the wings of an aircraft, to modify its aerodynamics. In the automotive area, spoiler is the name of a device designed to improve the stability of a vehicle, and that is why they are more common in racing and sports cars.

See too:

  • Definition of Podcast
  • Definition of Spam

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