Meaning of Dispatch (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Dispatch represents a procedural act performed by the judge, where the latter can reject (deny) or grant (approve) a certain request, process, request, etc.

the calls mere expedient dispatches they do not present any type of decision content, for this reason, they do not cause harm to the parties involved in a given process, for example.

According to article 203 of the New CPC (Code of Civil Procedure), the different pronouncements of the judge are determined, which consist of orders, sentences and interlocutory decisions.

"§ 3 All other pronouncements of the judge made in the process, ex officio or at the request of the party, are issued."

From a religious point of view, an order can be considered a type of ritual in offering to some deities of Afro-Brazilian origin. In this case, the order is taken as synonymous with macumba or sorcery, however with the purpose of causing harm to someone. Traditionally, dispatches are placed at crossroads or near rivers and waterfalls.

Generally speaking, the word dispatch refers to the action of dispatching or sending something. It can also mean the characteristic of the person who does something promptly, that is, who acts in a timely manner.

Dispatch Conclusions

It is a legal expression used to indicate that a particular case is in the possession of the judge responsible for analyzing it. At this stage, the process is not yet complete.

Learn about the meanings of Dispatch Conclusions it's from Order issued for mere office hours.

Dispatch Synonyms

Some of the main synonyms for dispatch are: resolution; Shipping; expedition; shipping; issue; clearance; agility; deliberation; judgment; decision; arbitration; verdict; macumba; and witchcraft.

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