Primary colors are the pure colors, that is, they cannot be created by combining other colors. The primary colors are: o yellow, O red (magenta) it's the Blue Cyan).
From the primary colors it is possible to make all other colors, except for white which is not a true color. Mixing primary colors generates the secondary colors: green, orange and purple.
Finally, we still have tertiary colors, which are formed by mixing a primary color with a secondary color.
Primary colors
There are only three true colors, red, yellow and blue. They are considered primary because it is not possible to make them by mixing other colors.

Learn more about colors meaning.
Primary Colors and Secondary Colors
The primary colors can be mixed in pairs to form the secondary colors, which are green, orange and purple.

know more about secondary colors.
tertiary colors
Tertiary colors are formed by combining a primary color with a secondary color, which results in colors: purplish red, orange red, orange yellow, greenish yellow, greenish blue and blue purplish.
know more about tertiary colors.
primary colors of light
Unlike the primary colors of pigments, the primary colors of light (additive system) are the Red, O green it's the blue.
This color set is commonly known as RGB (red, Green and blue) and, when combined, are capable of producing the visual sensation of other colors.
See more about RGB.
The white color, for example, can be formed when there is a combination of all three primary colors of light at the same time. The RGB color system refers to objects that emit light, such as computer monitors, televisions, cell phones, digital cameras, and so on.
Learn more about color theory, color psychology and hot and cold colors.
See also the meaning of the color blue.