The infinity symbol, also known as eight lying down, represents the concept of what would be eternity, as something that has no beginning or end.
The current symbol used to refer to infinity – Eight Lying Down – receives this name because it has the shape of the number eight in a horizontal position.
When observing its shape, it is noticed that the infinity symbol does not have a starting or ending point, because the traits are in continuous connection.
This is exactly the broadest definition of what infinity is: something that has no limits or an end.
Learn more about the meaning of infinite.
The infinity symbol is used primarily in mathematical studies to refer to the infinite sequences of results that an equation can obtain.
From a religious and mystical point of view, the symbol of the infinite can be interpreted as the joining of the physical with the spiritual, in an eternal movement of birth and death.
The origin of the creation of the infinity symbol is uncertain, but the current model is believed to have been based on Ouroboros, a snake from Greek mythology that was depicted devouring its own tail. Thus, it was difficult to define its beginning and end.
for the greeks, Ouroboros it symbolized the reflection of the idea of repetition, that is, that there are always things being recreated in the universe, eternally.
For mysticism, this symbol is also known as lemniscate.
Infinity Symbol Tattoo
According to the popular, religious and mystical meaning that is attributed to this symbol, as a representation of the sacred, the divinity, the love, evolution and physical-spiritual balance, the symbol of infinity is widely adopted as a tattoo by many people around the world.
Learn more about the meaning of eight lying down.