In verbis is a Latin expression used in context legal which means "in these terms" or "in these words".
Usually this expression is used to make a textual transcription of an article of law or the words that constitute a court decision. In verbis it usually appears in petitions and citations of legal norms, indicating a reproduction of the content with the same words.
Despite being used more often to quote something that was said, the expression in verbis it can also be used to transcribe written words. When it happens, in verbis has a similar meaning to the expression ipsis litteris.
In verbis or ipsis litteris
Ipsis litteris and in verbis are expressions used to quote something that was said or written by someone. Ipsis litteris means "by the same letters", which means that this expression must be used in the case of literal reference to a text. the expression in verbis it is most used in the case of oral communication.
The use of either expression will depend on the source in question. If the source is oral, the expression must be included before the citation
in verbis in italics. When the source is written, the same happens, but with the expression ipsis litteris.