Automation it is a system that employs automatic processes that command and control the mechanisms for their own functioning.
This word comes from the Greek automatons which means move by itself or that moves alone.
Automation is a system that uses computerized or mechanical techniques in order to streamline and optimize all production processes in the most diverse sectors of the economy.
The idea of automation is directly linked to the idea of machines, which streamline tasks almost always without human interference. However, there is a type of automation that refers to the human work that is carried out in many industries, in a continuous and repetitive way, almost “robotized”.
Mechanized automation is one that makes use of sensors, computer systems (software) and mechanical systems, in the assembly and production lines of industries, monitored and controlled by human beings.
Industrial automation
Industrial automation had its starting point after 1950 with the development of electronics. This allowed the emergence of information technology and the automation of industries, with the use of modern production techniques, with emphasis on the robotization, that is, the use of computer-controlled robots that perform the work of human beings, replacing them in the production of economic goods or goods. Automation is of great importance for the modernization of industrial processes.
Automation and IT
The term informatics, fusion of information and automatic, was first used in France in 1962, when Philippe Dreyfus, director of Center National de Calcul Eletronique de Bull used to designate his project of Société d'Informatique Appliquée. The consensus today is that information technology refers to any automation process, through computer systems, in the treatment of information.