Definition of Chlorophyll (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Chlorophyll is each of pigments that are found in plant cells, giving green color to its sheets. The green color is achieved due to the absorption of light from the regions between blue and red of the light spectrum, reflecting different shades of green. The concept of chlorophyll was created in 1818 by F. Pelletier and J. B. Caveteau.

Chlorophyll is fundamental to the photosynthesis phenomenon. In the photosynthesis process, chlorophyll captures sunlight and uses it as an energy source to transform carbon dioxide, water and mineral salts into food. During this transformation, the plant releases oxygen into the air.

There are four types of chlorophyll: The, B, ç and d. The chlorophylls The and B are found in green plants and are involved in the photosynthesis process. In algae and cyanobacteria, chlorophylls are present ç and d. The chlorophylls The and B they have a slightly different light absorption spectrum, with maxima in the blue and red region of the spectrum, meaning that they preferentially absorb blue and red light.

This green vegetable pigment is formed by a porphyrin that contains magnesium. It is found mainly in leaves, located within highly organized and densely stacked membranes (thylakoids). Chlorophyll a presents in chloroplasts and analogous structures of all active photosynthetic organisms, with the exception of photoautotrophic bacteria, which contain chlorophyll bacterial.

The synthesis of chlorophyll takes place in the presence of light. Plants kept in the dark are not green in color. If other pigments predominate in the plant (anthocyanins, carotenoids), the leaves take on a blue, violet, red or yellow color. The autumnal color of the leaves is due to the decomposition of chlorophyll (which happens before the other pigments).

chlorophyll juice

Chlorophyll juice, also called juice of light, is a drink prepared with certain ingredients that will act on the body by cleaning impurities and toxins.

Juice is prepared by mixing some ingredients in a blender. Some of these ingredients are: apple or lemon, vegetable leaves (kale, spinach or chicory), a whole vegetable (carrots, beets, cucumbers or zucchini), mint leaves.

You should drink the juice once a day, on an empty stomach, in the morning. It is essential to consume immediately after preparation so that the nutritional properties are used to the full.

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