Latest Meanings (217)

Definition of Constipation

Constipation or constipation is the delay in bowel rhythms and fecal expulsion, requiring excessive effort to evacuate. The stool becomes hardened and darkened, being eliminated in acorns...

meaning of parody

Parody consists in the recreation of an existing work, from a predominantly comic point of view. In addition to comedy, parody can also convey a critical, ironic or satirical content...

Definition of Encryption

Encryption is a security and privacy mechanism that makes certain communication (texts, images, videos, etc.) unintelligible for those who do not have access to the “translation” codes of the...

Definition of parliamentary immunity

Parliamentary immunity is formed by a set of guarantees given to parliamentarians (members of the Legislative Power) so that they can exercise their functions without violations or abuses by the Power...

meaning of classical music

Classical music is an erudite musical genre, characterized by the complexity of the instrumentation and for being represented in the form of symphony, opera or other types of musical developments. Too...

Meaning of Claim

To plead is a verb related to the action of discussing, debating, defending, contesting or demanding something. Typically, this term is often used in the legal field. When you say that determined...

Definition of Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is a practice that aims at the development of body muscles from hypertrophy, that is, an increase in the volume of muscle mass. Bodybuilding is not considered an official sport,...

Definition of Stanozolol

Stanozolol is a synthetic anabolic steroid that is widely used for gaining muscle mass and burning fat. Popularly, this anabolic drug, derived from testosterone, is known...

Sub judice meaning

Sub judice is a Latin expression used in the legal field and that means "under the judgment", that is, related to a certain process that will still be analyzed by the judge responsible for the case...

Definition of Usucapio

Usucapião is the right that a citizen acquires in relation to the possession of a movable or immovable property as a result of its use for a certain period of time. For this right to be recognized, it is necessary...

Definition of Arredio

Arredio is an adjective in the Portuguese language that qualifies the individual who voluntarily leaves his group, acting in an isolated and indifferent way. As a rule, a person considered aloof avoids...

Meaning of Petition

Petition is the act of asking for something formally, by signing a written application. The petitions are, as a rule, directed to a superior institution, directly responsible or...

Meaning of the Spanking Law

Lei da Spanking is the informal name of Law No. 13.010/2014 that prohibits the use of physical punishment or cruel and degrading treatment against children and adolescents in Brazil. Also known as “Law of...

Definition of Leniency

Leniency is the same as slowness, softness, or that which is gentle and pleasant. In the legal field, leniency agreements occur when an accused participates in the investigation process of a crime...

Protocol meaning

Protocol is the set of information, decisions, norms and rules defined from an official act, such as a hearing, conference or negotiation, for example. In fact, the word "protocol"...

Popular Meanings (83)

meaning of blessedBlessed is an adjective that means very happy. It is also a masculine noun, whi...

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Popular Meanings (84)

Definition of ObsoleteObsolete means everything that is outdated, out of date, old-fashioned, arc...

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Latest Meanings (85)

Definition of IdeologyIdeology, in a broad sense, means what would be or is ideal. This term has ...

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