Meaning of Condescending (What it is, Concept and Definition)

condescending means something or someone who is tolerant or flexible. Mainly associated with people who do not impose order, as in the phrase: "he was a very condescending teacher, he had no control over the students".

Condescending is a two-gender adjective, used for both feminine and masculine, and comes from the noun condescension.

Acting condescendingly is give in to someone's wishes or feelings. For example, when parents cannot impose authority over their children, giving in to their every whim, they are being condescending. The act of condescending is also understood as an excess of kindness, done by someone who becomes a fool and manipulated by other people to get what they want.

The terms condescending and condescension have a negative connotation when the situation goes beyond the moral or ethical values ​​of those who act with complacency, revealing weakness of character.

Between the synonyms for condescending are the words complacent, compromising, tolerant and flexible.

You antonyms

of condescending are divergent, discordant, disharmonious, discordant, opposite, demanding, harsh, rigorous, inflexible, authoritarian, irreducible or intransigent.

The term indescending is not synonymous with condescending and does not exist in Portuguese.

In English, the word condescending, does not have the same meaning as condescending in Portuguese. In the English language, condescending is understood as one who behaves or shows himself as someone superior, has an attitude close to snobbery in front of others.

The closest translation from Portuguese to condescending in English would be the word compliant.

Condescending and Trusting

The term gullible is sometimes used as a synonym for condescending, but the two terms have different meanings. While the condescending party is the one who gives in to the other party, even if it is the opposite, the gullible person is the one who naively believes in the other, thus proceeding to agree.

criminal condescension

Criminal condescension is practiced by a member of the public administration when he fails to take any action or report any infraction by a subordinate.

For example, if the head of a public office becomes aware of an embezzlement by a high-ranking official lower than his, he must act immediately in order to protect the State, denouncing it to the authorities competent authorities. If the senior civil servant does nothing, he is liable for the crime of condescension, provided for in Article 320 of the Penal Code.

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