Meaning of Homo sapiens (What it is, Concept and Definition)

homo sapiens it's the name given to the species of human beings, according to the taxonomic classification. This is a Latin expression that literally means "wise man" or "man who knows".

It is estimated that the first homo sapiens have appeared between approximately 300,000 and 100,000 years ago in today's East African region.

The main feature that marks the homo sapiens and yours ability to think and reason, a quality that is unique among beings of this species. Also, the homo sapiens it is known for its complex social structures and communication systems.

You homo sapiens, supposedly evolved from the homo erectus, a predecessor species that appeared about 1.5 million years ago and already had physiological characteristics very similar to those of modern man, such as posture and brain dimensions.

Learn more about homo erectusand Homo sapiens sapiens.

The complete taxonomy of the contemporary human being is:

  • Kingdom: animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Subphylum: vertebrate
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Ape
  • Suborder: Anthropoid
  • Superfamily: hominoid
  • Family: Hominid
  • Gender:Homo
  • Species:homo sapiens
  • Subspecies:homo sapiens sapiens.

Before the emergence of homo sapiens sapiens (contemporary humans), other subspecies of homo sapiens also inhabited the Earth. However, the homo sapiens sapiens (which means “man who knows what he knows”) is the only member of the species that has managed to survive. All other subspecies have gone extinct, such as the homo sapiens idaltu it's the Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, for example.

Also known as "Neanderthal Man", this subspecies of homo sapiens came to live with the homo sapiens sapiens, but was extinct approximately 30 thousand years ago.

Learn more about meaning of taxonomy and Animal Kingdom.

Features of the homo sapiens

Beings of this species have a highly developed brain, capable of developing a complex language system, abstract reasoning and problem solving.

In addition, the homo sapiens they also have an erect body, with skill and dexterity in the lower and upper limbs, such as the ability to manipulate various objects with their hands, for example.

The ability to create is also one of the fruits of the intelligence of the homo sapiens, which together with your body resourcefulness makes you able to create and use tools that help to change the environment around you in order to favor your well-being.

See also: the meaning of Evolutionism.

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