Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it is and characteristics

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a new period of revolution in industry, marked by the presence of new technologies. It is considered the biggest revolution since the Industrial Revolution occurred in the 18th century.

It is characterized by the development of technologies in areas such as genetics, physics, technologies and digital advances. The impacts of these advances can already be seen in different sectors of society and affect the development of markets and businesses, employment relations and social relations.

The innovations also provoke discussions about the ethics and limits of relationships in general, as happens with the questions of biological and genetic manipulations, for example.

Characteristics of the 4th Industrial Revolution

The characteristics of this revolution, derived from technological innovations and the advancement of the internet, are as follows:

  • smart machines: artificial intelligence technology allows, from the use of accumulated, organized and stored data, such as As with algorithms, machines can "learn" and perform activities without the need for human interference. One example is the use of robots on industrial production lines.
  • Importance of data: In the current era, the power of data and information that they are capable of storing is one of the most powerful tools, which can be used for countless resources and activities. Examples are: increased productivity, improved trade, etc.
  • Less polluting energy generation: the search for the creation and use of forms of energy generation that are less polluting and less harmful to the environment is also a characteristic of this period. Examples of less polluting energies are solar energy and wind energy.

Impacts of the 4th Industrial Revolution

The revolution is responsible for changes and innovations that transform and will continue to transform industries and societies in the near future.

Learn a little about the greatest technological innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution:


Robotics is the use of very advanced technologies that use circuits and mechanical systems to build robots that are capable of performing tasks and can be used in industrial activities or housekeeping.

The technology coming from robotics can have many applications and has the advantages of reducing costs and increasing productivity, in addition to reducing errors in industrial processes.

These innovations have been used to replace human labor and, in relation to this use, as a negative point of the application of robotics, is the increase in unemployment.

However, from another point of view, the arrival of this technology will also generate other types of new jobs.

roboticsRobotics applied to industrial production lines.

augmented reality

Augmented reality is the application of modern technologies to unite the experience provided by the virtual world with the real world. For this reality to be experienced, devices, sensors and softwares that make the connection between these two worlds.

The technology works from the junction of virtual information recorded in the software and the equipment that allows the user to experience the augmented reality experience.

The technology can be used in a number of different applications. For example: in games, movies and animations, in mobile apps, in the development of design products and even in surgery.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that develops systems that allow computer machines and devices perform activities with a "replacement of reasoning human".

In artificial intelligence, from the application of data processing and storage technologies, devices are expected to be able to make decisions, analyze data, and resolve situations.

Read more about Artificial intelligence.


Nanotechnology is an area of ​​science that studies the use of molecules and atoms, called the atomic and molecular scale. Simply put, it can be said that nanotechnology is based on the study of structures that are formed by atoms.

This technology can be used for several functions, such as in science innovation, in the creation of new materials, in health improvements, among many others. It has been widely used mainly in computer, communication and medical innovations.

NanotechnologyResearch and innovation in nanotechnology.

See more about Nanotechnology.


Biotechnology studies and develops methods for the use of living organisms applied to product creation and method innovation. Biotechnology is a very comprehensive area, ranging from its application in areas such as agriculture to the complex processes of genetics and fertility, among others.

Biotechnology is applied to health (genetics, new drugs and disease treatments, for example). It can also be applied to environmental preservation, sustainable energy generation, agriculture and chemical industry, etc.

Read more about the meaning of Biotechnology.

Big data

Big data it's a broad set of data on the internet. These data, coming from online processing, are generated, collected and stored. Thus, big data is a voluminous amount of data that can be stored, analyzed and used in applications, in machine learning and in other strategic actions, such as marketing and productivity.

The emergence of big data is explained by the increase in internet speed and usage and the growing number of users, who generate thousands of new data every day.

See also the meaning of machine learning.

Emergence of virtual currencies

Virtual currencies are a form of virtual money, used to make online transactions, applications, payment and purchases, as long as they are used in a specific way. Transactions with these currencies are made on virtual platforms. The first virtual currency was launched in 2009 and was named bitcoin.

Although not regulated and controlled by banks, virtual currencies are already used on many platforms and, in some cases, can already be used outside the virtual world.

Here are some examples of virtual currencies already created: bitcoin, litecoin, etherum and cryptocurrency.

See also the meanings of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

3D printing

This technology is the printing of objects in a three-dimensional way, from the superposition of layers.

First, before printing, the object needs to be created in 3D software. Afterwards, the file needs to be sent to the 3D printer, which can print objects on materials such as rubber, plastics, metals, among others.

This technology is very advanced and has been used for numerous benefits. One of the most relevant is the 3D printing of prostheses that are used by people with a physical disability. It is also possible to use technology to print art and decoration objects, clothing and car parts.

3D3D printer.

Industry 4.0 and Economy 4.0

These two expressions are directly associated with the occurrence of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Industry 4.0 is a term that refers to new technologies brought about by this movement, such as innovations in the internet, computing, robotics, industrial automation, the virtual world, among others. The expression appeared in Germany in 2011 and was initially linked to the innovation processes of information technology and information technology.

Already economy 4.0 it is the reference to the economic and corporate innovations that are taking place (and will take place) due to the consequences of the revolution. It is related to changes caused by technological innovations in the business world and in labor relations.

The 4th Industrial Revolution in Brazil

According to specialists, Brazil has good conditions to follow the advances of the revolution. However, they emphasize that, to make better use of the emergence of new technologies, it is necessary to invest in areas of innovation to ensure the benefits and productivity of these technologies.

This condition is considered essential for the country to produce and participate more in new markets, following developed countries, especially in areas related to technological research and digital.

Examples of areas that can be very beneficial to Brazil are:

  • increased use of clean energy (such as solar and wind energy),
  • innovations in genetics research,
  • automation of industrial processes (using robotics, for example).

History of the Industrial Revolution

Since the first Industrial Revolution, all subsequent historical moments that were also marked by technological innovations were called the Industrial Revolution.

THE Industrial Revolution it had its origins in England during the 18th century and from there it spread to the world. It was marked by the beginning of the use of machines, the mechanization of production processes, the use of steam engines and evolution in transport.

THE Second Industrial Revolution, as early as the 19th century, occurred in France, England and the United States. Its main feature is the technological and scientific advances that allowed further expansion in industrialization. Examples are: invention of airplanes, automobiles and use of steel.

Important marks of this phase are the use of different energy sources (such as nuclear, hydroelectric and oil), in addition to the invention of radio, television and telephone.

already the Third Industrial Revolution, which begins to take place in the 20th century, is characterized by information technology and technological innovations applied to industries, their growth and increased productivity.

The emergence of important fields, such as robotics, internet and biotechnology, is also fundamental in the history of this period.

The growth of the capitalist system, the globalization process and the expansion of multinational companies are also part of the development of the Third Industrial Revolution.

To learn more about the history of revolutions, also read the meanings of Industrial Revolution and Second Industrial Revolution.

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