Advertising Meaning (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Advertising means, generically, disclose, make public a fact or an idea. The word advertising derives from the Latin “publicus”, “public” in Portuguese.

Advertising is a Mass Communication Technique, whose main purpose is provide information about products or services for commercial purposes. It is, above all, a great means of communication with the mass, with the purpose of conditioning them for the act of purchase.

Advertising, in addition to stimulating the purchase action, has the purpose of giving a greater identity to a product or company; it makes the benefits and advantages of the product known and increases the consumer's rational or emotional conviction about the product.

Advertising is a poster, an image, a text, etc., with an advertising character.

An advertisement reaches the target audience through various advertising vehicles, which are generally divided into: magazines, newspapers, outdoor (posters, panels), radio, television, cinema, internet, direct advertising (brochures, catalogs, letters, prospectuses, etc.) and supplementary media, which encompasses the entire rest.

viral marketing

Viral marketing or viral advertising, as it is also known, are marketing techniques (set of activities that are performed to create or take merchandise from the producer to the final consumer) that exploit pre-existing social networks to produce greater brand awareness, with a process similar to that of an epidemic, a disease. Viral marketing is associated with the speed of information propagation.

Advertising and marketing

Although used interchangeably, the terms advertising and advertising, for some authors, do not strictly mean the same thing although they are similar in essence. For some authors, advertising means the act of vulgarizing, making public a commercial message, while the word advertising, more comprehensive than publicity, would be related to the political and religious message and understands the idea of ​​implanting, of including a belief in the mind of the pasta.

Advertising is defined as the propagation of principles and theories. It derives from the Latin “propagare”, in turn, derives from “pangere”, which means to bury, dip, plant. The expression was translated by Pope Clement VII in 1597, when he founded the Congregation for Propaganda, with the aim of propagating the Catholic faith throughout the world.

In Brazil, the words advertising and advertising are used interchangeably, and to differentiate the different types of advertising, they are used adjectives such as "commercial advertising", "editorial advertising", "political advertising", "public utility advertising" etc.

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