Meaning of Prokaryote (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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prokaryote it is a simple unicellular organism that does not have membranous compartmentalization of its intracellular products, that is, it does not it has compartments within the cell (dispersed metabolites in the cytoplasm), nor a true nucleus (dispersed chromosome in the cytoplasm).

The word "prokaryote" comes from the Greek terms pro = first and karyon = walnut, kernel. The bacteria and blue algae are part of the group of prokaryotes.

Prokaryotes appeared long before the eukaryotes, with fossils 3 billion years old, while eukaryotes appeared probably 1 billion years ago.

prokaryotic cells do not have nuclear envelope delimiting the genetic material. They don't have either membranous organelles and cytoskeleton, so that the transport of vesicles involved in entry (endocytosis) and
exit (exocytosis) of substances.

Prokaryotes are devoid of some cotoplasmic organelles such as mitochondria, plastids, complex of Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum and especially karyomembrane which causes the DNA to be dispersed in the cytoplasm.

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Division of prokaryotic cells does not occur by mitosis and its DNA strands do not undergo the condensation process that leaves the chromosomes visible under an optical microscope, during cell division.

The prokaryotic cells that carry photosynthesis their cytoplasm has some membranes, parallel to each other, and associated with chlorophyll or other pigments responsible for capturing light energy.

Unlike eukaryotic cells, prokaryotes do not have a cytoskeleton, which is responsible for the cell's movement and shape.

The simple form of prokaryotic cells, which is usually spherical or rod-shaped, is maintained through the extracellular wall, produced in the cytoplasm and aggregated to the outer surface of the cell membrane.

THE main difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, is that the latter have an extensive membrane system that creates microregions in the cytoplasm that contain different molecules and perform specialized functions.

Also read about eukaryotic cell.

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