intention is the intending something, i.e, what is required or requested; what you want to achieve.
Pretension can be a positive act when presented in the sense of aspiration, as a desire that incites someone to achieve what they want.
However, it can also receive a pejorative connotation, when the desire to achieve something is exaggerated and ambitious.
A pretentious individual (who performs the act of pretense), is characterized by vanity and excessive opinion about himself.
Example: "The journalist's interview was quite pretentious”.
The main synonyms for pretense are: mannerism, aspiration, boasting, pedantry, presumption, solicitation and vanity.
salary claim
The salary requirement is the minimum amount desired by someone to perform a certain function or occupy a position.
Typically, the salary requirement is reported during the job interview or in the context of a letter of interest, which is attached to the candidate's resume.
Learn more about the meaning of Curriculum vitae.
legal claim
In the legal sphere, the claim is the desire, through a request or claim, of a holder for a certain right to be fulfilled, under the protection of a legal order.