Semper fi or semper fidelis is a Latin expression that means “always faithful”, in Portuguese translation. This phrase is known to be the motto of the United States Marine Corps...
Inert is characteristic of that or of someone who has no movement. Inert comes from inertia, and the adjective corresponds to the fact of having or causing inertia, that is, the state of rest or lack of...
Hieroglyph is an extinct model of pictographic writing, used mainly by ancient Egyptian society and some Native American groups such as the Maya and the Aztecs. The hieroglyphic language...
Et al is the abbreviation of a Latin expression meaning "and others". The et al reduction serves three Latin expressions of the same meaning: et alii (masculine plural), et aliae (feminine plural) and et...
Gigabyte is a unit of measurement of information that is equivalent to 1 000 000 000 bytes or 109 bytes and depending on the context, it can represent 230 = 1 073 741 824 bytes or 1024 megabytes (Mb). It was recently...
Basketball is a team sport that can also be called basketball. The name in Portuguese comes from the English basketball, where basket means basket and ball is ball. The literal translation of basketball...
Commitment ring is a symbolic object that represents the pact or promise between two people. Typically, the engagement ring is used by couples as a symbol of responsibility and...
Sama is an honorific title used in the Japanese language, used at the end of a proper name, giving it a high distinction. The suffix sama gives a sense of nobility and superiority, used...
Ah is an interjection that can express a wide range of meanings, such as joy, admiration, amazement, irony, desire, among others. In the phrase "ah, what a fright" the ah is a sound mark of the astonishment caused...
Chuchu is an edible vegetable produced by a climbing plant also called chuchu or chuchuzeiro. It is consumed cooked, in salads, soups, etc. Popularly, the term "chuchu" is used...
Garrida is an adjective and feminine noun in the Portuguese language, used to define something that is decorated, with a lot of exuberance and adornments; that is elegant and graceful. It is also the name given to a...
Golden Ratio or Golden Ratio is an irrational algebraic real constant. It is represented by the division of a line into two segments (a and b), and when the sum of these segments is divided...
Procon is the acronym for Consumer Protection and Protection Program, represented by an organizational foundation responsible for helping to mediate conflicts between consumers and suppliers of...
Sushi is an original Japanese food that has conquered gastronomy around the world. It usually consists of a filling, a layer of rice and a strip of nori (a type of leaf made with seaweed)...
Molar mass (M) is the molecular mass (mass of atoms) measured in grams. This is a widely used concept in chemistry. Before calculating the molar mass of a given substance, it is necessary to know...