Meaning of Inbox (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Inbox is an English word meaning “inside the box”. The term has become quite popular with social networks, especially Facebook, but it was already used to refer to an email inbox.

On social media, a message inbox, means a private message and it is used when you want to chat exclusively with one or more people, without making the message content public.

Inbox on Facebook

The term inbox It is mainly used on Facebook and private messages from this social network are sent by the application called Messenger. Unlike posts that are visible on your friends' timelines, messages inbox they can only be accessed by the participants in the conversation.

When someone makes an ad, for example, it's common to ask people to get in touch with “inbox” to provide additional information.

There are three ways to send a inbox for a person:

  • Click on the person's name in the right corner of the Facebook screen on your computer. From there, you can also check the person's status in Messenger. If the person is online, for example, a green dot appears next to the name.
  • The other way to get in touch with your friends by inbox is by clicking the speech bubble icon in the upper right corner of the screen, next to the notifications. By clicking on this icon, you will be able to see all your messages.
  • And finally, to talk to a person, you can also enter their profile and click on "Message".

Another possibility is to install the Messenger app on mobile devices and have direct access to conversations.

Inbox on Instagram

On Instagram it is also possible to send private messages to other people, in this case, the most used term is “direct”. To do this, just click on the arrow in the upper right corner of the application or enter the person's profile and click on "Message".

Inbox on WhatsApp

The WhatsApp instant chat app is also a way to send private messages, whether to a person or a group. To have a private conversation with someone on WhatsApp, just have that person's phone number and send them a message.

See also the meaning of Whatsapp and Facebook.

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