Meaning of Evasion (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Evasion is a feminine noun that names the act of escaping, escaping, escaping, disappearing, it is the action of letting go of something, of moving away from where you are. From the Latin “evasione”.

Evasion is the act of dodging, avoiding, deceiving, dodging with skill or cunning, changing direction, altering objective.

In the figurative sense, evasion is a subterfuge, an evasion, a ruse, a vague response when trying to get out of some difficulty.


School dropout is the dropout of a student who, despite being enrolled in school, no longer attends the classroom. This dropout is often motivated by the need to enter the labor market to help with the family income. It is also a consequence of lack of interest in studying, learning difficulties, lack of parental encouragement, etc.

In Brazil, according to the report released in 2012 by the UNDP (United Nations Development Program), the school dropout rate reaches large proportions, where one in four students who start elementary school drop out of school before completing the last series.

currency evasion

Currency evasion is the remittance of money abroad, in the name of an individual or legal entity, without declaring it or paying due taxes.

Currency evasion or exchange evasion is considered a crime against the national financial system.

In Brazil, the regulation of the violation of currency evasion is provided for in article 22 of Law 7492/86, which defines crimes against the national financial system, as follows:

Art. 22. "Perform unauthorized exchange operation, in order to promote the evasion of the country's currency":

Penalty - "Two to six years imprisonment, and fine."

Single paragraph. "Anyone who, in any capacity, promotes, without legal authorization, the outflow of currency or currency abroad, or maintains undeclared deposits to the competent federal agency, incurs the same penalty."

Tax evasion

Tax evasion is an illicit means of simulating transactions to avoid paying taxes, violating the tax law or tax regulations of the country.

It is a crime against the tax order to supply or reduce taxes or social contribution, through conducts provided for in law 8137/1990, including, omitting information, or making a false statement to tax authorities, defrauding tax inspection, inserting inaccurate elements, or omitting operations of any nature, in documents or books required by federal law, falsify or alter invoice, duplicate or invoice, or any other document relating to the taxable transaction, prepare, distribute, supply, issue or use false or inaccurate documents, deny or fail to provide, when mandatory, invoice or equivalent document, relating to the sale of goods or provision of services, effectively performed, or providing it in disagreement with legislation etc.

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