New Year's Eve is the masculine noun from the French language used to describe a celebration of pass to the new year.
The word New Year's Eve originates from the verb in French New Year's Eve, which means "to wake up" or "to revive" (in a figurative sense). So, the New Year's Eve it is the awakening of the new year.
Initially, this word was used to describe a light meal that was eaten at night and that prevented people from sleeping. A little later, it was used to qualify the Christmas Eve supper.
The fireworks display in the New Year's Eve it is tradition in many parts of the world.
From the 17th century onwards, the word New Year's Eve came to be used to designate the parties held by the French nobility, which lasted all night. Years later, the nobility of other countries adopted the same name for their festivals.
Today, the term New Year's Eve is used in most Western countries to refer to the celebration that takes place at the turn of December 31st to January 1st of the new year.
Origin of New Year's Eve (New Year celebration)
The first recorded New Year celebrations date back to 4000 years ago. happened in Mesopotamia and they were the celebration of the end of winter and the beginning of spring, which took place between the 22nd and 23rd of March of our current calendar.
This celebration symbolized the beginning of a new crop of planting and was the time when people asked for food and plenty for the year.
For the Persians, Assyrians, Egyptians and Phoenicians, the new year was celebrated in September and for the Greeks in December.
The Romans were the first to set a date on the calendar for this commemoration. At first, the Roman New Year was celebrated on March 1st, but on 153 a. Ç, the date of January 1st.
In 46 a. C, the Romans adopted the Julian calendar and kept that date. In 1582, with the adoption of the Gregorian calendar (which we currently use) by the Catholic Church, the January 1st date has been officially set.
The passage to the new year, however, is still celebrated on different dates by some peoples and religions. The Muslim New Year, for example, takes place in the month of May in the Gregorian calendar.
For Jews, New Year is celebrated in late September and early October, and for Chinese, New Year starts in February.
Dragon used in Chinese New Year celebration.
parties of New Year's Eve
the celebrations of New Year's Eve vary by location and traditions, but in general, passing from one year to the next is a time to say thanks and do wishes for the coming year.
It's a time for renewal of hopes and it's full of superstitions. Clothes, rituals and food, for example, have important meanings for this celebration.
In Brazil, for example, it is customary to wear white clothes and jump 7 waves to Iemanjá when midnight comes. Both superstitions are linked to Umbanda, Brazilian religion of African origin.
See also the meanings of umbanda and Yemanja.
Another very common attraction of the parties of New Year's Eve they are the fireworks. Several cities in the world have famous fireworks shows, among them are: London, Sydney, New York and Rio de Janeiro.
New Year's Eve in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro.
See also the meanings of Christmas.