Latest Meanings (231)

Definition of Reservoir

Deposit is the name given to the place where someone rests or is lying down. Normally, deposits are the places where people are buried, that is, where their bodies are buried and stored. Some...

meaning of perigee

Perigee is the name given to the closest point the Moon reaches to planet Earth. The perigee can be applied to any celestial star, indicating that it is at the closest point to...

Definition of Aesthetics

Aesthetics is a word originating from the Greek term aisthetiké, which means “one who notices, who perceives”. Aesthetics is known as the philosophy of art, or the study of what is beautiful in manifestations...

Meaning of ROI

ROI is the acronym in English for Return on Investment, which in Portuguese means “Return on Investment”. ROI is the relationship between the money gained or lost through an investment, and the amount...

Definition of Vulnerability

Vulnerability is the characteristic of who or what is vulnerable, that is, fragile, delicate and weak. Vulnerability is a particularity that indicates a state of weakness, which can refer both to...

Definition of FTW

FTW is the acronym of the expression in English “For The Win”, which means “for the victory”, in the literal translation for the Portuguese language. The use of this acronym is very common in the online universe,...

meaning of sympathy

Sympathy is a feeling of affinity that attracts and identifies people, it is an instinctive tendency that leads the individual to establish harmony with the other, allowing the creation of bonds of friendship...

meaning of empiricism

Empiricism is a philosophical movement that believes in human experiences as solely responsible for the formation of existing ideas and concepts in the world. Empiricism is characterized by knowledge...

meaning of ode

Ode is a poetic composition of the lyrical genre that is divided into symmetrical stanzas. The term comes from the Greek “odés” which means “song”. In ancient Greece, "ode" was a poem about something...

Meaning of Effective

Effective is what is in force, that is, what is taking place, what is current and contemporary. Example: “The minimum wage in Brazil is R$788.00” or “According to current laws,...

Phrase meaning I just know that I know nothing

I only know that I know nothing is a famous phrase attributed to the Greek philosopher Socrates which signifies an acknowledgment of the author's own ignorance. Some thinkers and philosophers dispute that...

Meaning of Backward

Retroceder is a verb in the Portuguese language, referring to what goes back, retreats or has an involutive movement. From its figurative sense, the verb to go back can also mean...

Definition of Approval

Homologation is the act of homologating, it is a confirmation or approval of a sentence given by an authority. Homologation is a term directly related to the legal area, being also a process...

Definition of CTI and ICU

CTI and ICU are intensive monitoring units for critically ill patients admitted to hospitals. CTI stands for Intensive Care and Treatment Center and consists of a special area of ​​the hospital...

Definition of Reverse Psychology

Reverse psychology is the name of a technique of persuasion, where the intended objective is presented in a way contrary to what is really wanted. In other words, reverse psychology is a game of...

Latest Meanings (15)

Meaning of Joinha 👍Joinha's emoji means approval or praise. It is often used to express agreement...

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Portuguese language (16)

Definition of FlexibleFlexible is an adjective that qualifies something as malleable, bendable, a...

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Portuguese Language (18)

meaning of urbanUrbe is a synonym for city. It is a population agglomeration where a series of so...

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