Meaning of Hic et Nunc (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Hic et Nunc is a Latin expression that means here and now. Hic et nunc it is when someone is not willing to wait, wants something immediately, at the same moment, the individual has no more patience.

This expression denotes something that must be done "now" or at the moment the expression is said and refers to the concrete situation in question. It is often used as an imperative motto, of someone who needs something (satisfaction of a wish), right here and now. Hic et nunc sets the time (hic) and space (never).

The expression hic et nunc is part of Existentialism, which is a doctrine of philosophy that emphasizes the freedom of people, while emphasizing the responsibility of each one. For the existentialist philosophy man is responsible for his actions, so if he wants something for "here and now", he will have to bear the consequences, regardless of whether they are good or bad.

Find out more about the meaning of Existentialism.

O hic et nunc it is part of human behavior, especially nowadays, where people have become very immediatists, they want everything for now, and if they don't have it, they may not want it anymore, often out of pride, and not wanting to give in. People want everything for now to satisfy their desires, they don't want to wait for anything else.

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