Meaning of Black Power (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Black PowerBlack Power means "black power" in the literal translation from English to Portuguese, and became known as a movement that evidenced black culture and resistance in a predominantly racist society.

O hair black power it is one of the main symbols of this cultural movement that began to gain prominence in the 1960s and 1970s, especially in the United States.

The idea was to deconstruct the image of the Eurocentric beauty standard and promote the strengthening of the identity and African roots of the American black population. For this, black men and women began to abdicate the popular hair straightening techniques and started to use their hair natural, a style that gained the name of “hair black power”, as it was used by activists of this movement in an attempt to value black aesthetics (the "black power").

Currently, the hair black power it is quite popular, even becoming appropriated by other cultures. However, it is important to remember that the use of this hairstyle represents much more than a fashion trend, but rather a powerful symbol of empowerment that represents the

fight against racial prejudice.

Learn more about Racism.

Black Panther Movement

Members of the Black Panther Party (Black Panther Party, in English) advocated a social revolution against the oppression that was suffered by black Americans in the mid-1960s.

The symbols of Black Power were allied to the discourse of black nationalism propagated by the Black Panthers.

Unlike the pacifist anti-prejudice movement led by Martin Luther King, the Black Panthers advocated the armed struggle of black people against “white exploitation”. Among some of the demands made by this revolutionary group was the exemption of blacks from paying taxes, the the release of all black prisoners and the payment of compensation to the black community for centuries of slavery.

Huey Newton and Bobby Seale were the main leaders and founders of the Black Panthers Self-Defense Political Party in 1966 in Oakland, California.

The Black Panther Party remained active until 1982.

See also:The 5 most important moments in the fight against prejudice and racism.

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