Meaning of Immigration and Emigration (What it is, Concept and Definition)

immigration and emigration they are spontaneous phenomena related to the act of establish new residence in a country or region other than the place of origin.

Migratory phenomena have a legal basis. For example, emigration is enshrined in the fundamental law of principle no. 2 of article 13 of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Man: "Everyone has the right to leave the country he is in, including his, and the right to return to his home country. parents."

In the sociological context, emigration is the voluntary abandonment of the motherland, temporarily or permanently, for political, economic or religious reasons. Emigration means a loss of labor for the country of origin, but in the case of overpopulated countries this loss is compensated by the numerous jobs that remain vacant. For the country that receives the emigrants, they are useful when the expansion of the economy requires more production personnel. Among the great emigration movements, the American territories given over to emigrants stand out, basically coming from Europe, Japan and China.

Difference between emigration and immigration

Emigration means leaving one's place of origin (homeland) with the intention of settling in a foreign country. An individual who finds himself in this situation is called an emigrant in his homeland.

Immigration is the phenomenon carried out by the same individual, but seen from the perspective of the host country. In other words, it is the entry of those who come from abroad for work and/or residence purposes, being called an immigrant.

We can give as an example a Brazilian who is away from Brazil for a long period to work in the United States. In Brazil he is called an “emigrant” and in the United States he is considered an “immigrant”.

Emigration and Immigration in Brazil

The migratory phenomenon has always been present in human life, marking important periods in the history of many nations. In Brazil, the 19th and early 20th centuries were particularly important in characterizing Brazil as a host country with the arrival of European immigrants (Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, German) and Japanese immigrants to work in the agriculture.

At the end of the 20th century, there was an inversion of migration flows, predominantly Brazilian emigration to the United States, Japan and Europe.

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