The term "damned" means angry, cursed, clever or extraordinary. Depending on the context, it can have different meanings.
The word naughty comes from Latin damnatus, a word that describes a condemned or rejected individual.
The negative meanings attributed to the term are will or fury or despair. An individual can be upset because something did not go as desired, demonstrating in their behavior an attitude of anger or indignation for some situation.
In the middle religious the term is used with some parsimony, as it acquires the negative meaning of cursed, perverse, bad, malevolent; the one that was damned to hell.
Damned also designates something uncomfortable and very strong, for example, "a damned tiredness".
The positive meanings of the term are used figuratively, as a form of praise, as they characterize an individual skillful, clever or who performed some action worthy of recognition. The term is often used to refer to a child who is naughty, agitated or who has done something impressive for his age.
The informal use of the expression "I was very lucky!" is very common. to characterize the occurrence of a unusual situation, extraordinary, which was not expected to happen. Another popular expression often used is "darn good!" to reference something amazing, excellent.
In terms of music, there are several songs with this word, such as "Danado de Bom", written by Luiz Gonzaga.