Meaning of Momentum (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Impetus is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language, and can mean a momentary and unexpected action, a violent and sudden movement, made on impulse.

Etymologically, the term impetus originated from the Latin impetus. By impulse is meant something unexpected and that causes a certain shock or strong agitation. Example: "The wind hit the houses in the country with force".

When an individual or something acts with impetus, it is said that it is impetuous, behaving impetuously. An impetuous person is one who acts violently, on impulse, and who does not reflect on his actions before executing them.

The word impetus can also mean the intense feeling of an emotion, in a momentary state of ecstasy. Example: "The rush of a new passion" or "In a rush of anger, he broke the whole house."

Taking a figurative sense, an urge can express one's excess vigor or vitality. Example: "The arrival of the new employee creates impetus among the other employees of the company".

Synonyms of momentum

  • ardor
  • rapture
  • enthusiasm
  • ecstasy
  • impulse
  • violence
  • vitality
  • furor
  • violence
  • access
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