Meaning of Availability (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Availability is the condition or quality of something or someone that is available, that is, free and unoccupied from certain functions or obligations.

Usually, the idea of ​​availability is used to indicate the freedom of time that a given person has to perform any type of task that is requested.

When it is said that someone has “available hours”, it means that they are flexible with their routine.

Example:"Is the boy available to finish the reports now?" or "During vacations I am available to do other activities".

In the administrative sphere, the term availability is used to indicate the status of the civil servant (or military) who is away from their functions, but that continues to enjoy the rights of the position, being able to be called to perform their activities again at any time.

In the legal field, for example, availability marks the situation of goods that can be freely sold.

Informally, it is customary to link the constant availability of someone with the condition of someone who is unemployed or disabled to perform routine work.

Availability Synonyms

The main synonyms of "availability" in the sense of "absence of commitment or obligations" are: idleness, disengagement, vacancy and freedom.

Learn more about the meaning of idleness.

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