Meaning of Commitment (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Commitment is a masculine noun meaning the act of compromise or compromise with someone or something.

The word commitment comes from the Latin term commitment, which indicated the act of making a reciprocal promise. For this reason, commitment is synonymous with commitment and requires responsibility on the part of the one who commits. Ex: The factory had to close because the workers had no idea of ​​commitment.

A person can demonstrate commitment in many areas. In a love relationship it is important to have a commitment on both sides, in which there is an effort to make things work in the best possible way.

According to speaker Eugênio Mussak, commitment is the result of five factors: admiration, respect, trust, passion and intimacy.

organizational commitment

Commitment at work is an extremely valued skill in companies and refers to the institutional connection between a person and an organization.

A worker who shows professional commitment is committed to fulfilling the tasks assigned to him, and is focused on the truly important things. The worker committed to the company is loyal, knows its

organizational culture and work for your success. It is very difficult to have a commitment from a worker if there is not motivation, and that is why the organization's leaders must motivate their workers, in order to create the desire for commitment in their employees.

Some authors indicate that there are three levels or strands of commitment between an organization and workers:

  • affective commitment: the worker makes the commitment because he has an emotional relationship with the company and wants to stay in it;
  • instrumental commitment: it occurs because the company's employee understands that he/she needs a salary remuneration, and will be harmed if he/she leaves the company;
  • normative commitment: In this case, the commitment exists because employees understand that they are forced to stay in the organization.

It is important to emphasize that more than one level of commitment can coexist in each worker.

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