September 11, 2001 was the day of the greatest military attack suffered by the United States since World War II. This morning, four passenger planes were hijacked by members of...
Refine is a verb that refers to the act of making thin, pure and removing any kind of impurities that are contained in a certain thing. From the figurative sense of this word, refine can also...
The Roman Empire lasted from 27 a. Ç. – 476 d. Ç. During this period, power was exercised by the emperors. There was also the senate, provincial governors and generals. The first centuries of...
Neighbor is that or that which is very close, to the side. The noun neighbor is more commonly associated with the resident in the same surroundings, whether in the house or apartment next door, or on the same street, building...
Exu is an orixá guardian of communication, which is part of the original African religions, such as Candomblé and Umbanda. It is one of the best known and most revered entities by adherents of these religions...
Historiography is the study of how history is written and how our understanding of history changes over time. This study considers the approaches used by historians and seeks to understand how and why...
Social fact is a concept by sociologist Émile Durkheim and refers to the habits and ways of acting and thinking that determine the way individuals behave in a society. According to Durkheim, the...
Occupied is an adjective referring to the condition of something being appropriated by someone or the filling of a space by something. When it is said that a certain individual is busy, it means that he is...
Cryptocurrency or cryptomoney is the nomenclature used to refer to digital currency, money that is encrypted to ensure its protection and security. This monetary value, unlike the...
The ideal female body is the standard of what would be the perfect body for a woman. The concept of the ideal body is changeable, that is, it varies according to many factors, including: social, cultural and temporal...
Brazilian culture is represented by the set of traditions, cultural manifestations, customs, cuisine and religion of the people who have lived in the country throughout history. Due to a great process...
In Greek mythology, Helen of Troy was called the most beautiful woman in the world. Daughter of the god Zeus with the mortal Leda, she was known for playing an important role in the Trojan War, a story...
Growth hacking is a methodology used to enhance the rapid and sustainable growth of a company, organization or institution. Growth hacking is an essential area for...
The tubers are plants that are characterized by having a robust and underground stem - usually with a rounded or oval shape - where their nutrients are stored. The energy reserve in the stem...
Hydrocarbons, also called hydrogen carbides, are organic compounds whose composition has only carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) atoms, thus having the general formula C x H y. One...