Meaning of Will (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Will means desire, aspiration, taste, interest, purpose. It is the power to mentally represent an act carried out for reasons dictated by reason. It is the ability to want, to freely practice or not to practice an act.

Will is the physical or emotional need that the individual feels to do something. It's an appetite, a taste, a pleasure, a mood. E.g.: wanting to eat, wanting to drink, wanting to cry, etc.

Will is a firm spirit, a courage, a persuasion, a commitment, a care, an interest, a certainty acquired by demonstration or evidence.

The principle of "autonomy of the will" is one of the basic principles of civil law, where it is taken into account the legal capacity of human beings to practice and refrain from certain acts, according to their decision.

Make yourself comfortable – is an adverbial phrase that means without ceremony, without formalism, comfortably, comfortably, at pleasure, that is, to do what you want and what you want.

Good will – is the favorable inclination or disposition towards something or someone. Goodwill is the act of doing a favor, a benefit, a gift.

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