Meaning of Jealousy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Jealousy is an emotional state of the human being, caused by the lack of exclusivity of feeling, dedication and care of the person you love.

It presents itself as a complex reaction by any individual to a perceptible threat to something that he or she possesses, such as a valuable relationship or one that is appreciated.

Jealousy is usually manifested in a lack of trust in the other's feelings, which is transformed into fear of losing the partner.

This is a natural feeling characteristic of human beings, provoked by the fear that the individual one is fond of is not exclusive in dedicating his affection to a single person.

In marital relationships, it is common for one of the partners to express jealousy of the other when they perceive a situation where the spouse is paying more attention to other people or situations than to him.

However, this type of jealousy can become problematic if the partner initiates a posture of being too jealous, causing the so-called sick jealousy.

Jealousy can have a positive or negative character. When you reach a sense of care or care for someone, it can be a beneficial feeling. On the other hand, when there is selfishness (I wish the loved one does not relate to other people) or control excessive (constant suspicion of infidelity, for example), jealousy can turn into paranoia or a pathology.

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see some signs to identify a jealous person.

Jealousy can take on a broader meaning, not necessarily associated with the feeling shared between people. It can represent the fear of losing something or someone.

It can be produced by exaggerating attachment to some material good, not wanting to share it with someone else. For example: jealousy of books, DVDs, the car, etc.

Jealousy is closely related to envy, the moment he is capable of producing disgust or torment to an individual, mainly because he does not own something that belongs to someone else.

Learn more about Envy it's the Selfishness.

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