Latest Meanings (264)

Definition of Legislative Power

The Legislative Power is one of the three powers of the State to which the legislative function is attributed, that is, the drafting of the laws that regulate the State, the conduct of citizens and public organizations and...

Entity meaning

Entity is a feminine noun that means individuality, being, is what constitutes the essence of something. It's everything that exists or can exist, real or imagined. Entity is a...

meaning of bold

Audaz is a two-gender adjective from the Latin audax that classifies someone who demonstrates audacity. It is also a word used to describe brave and bold people. Some synonyms of...

meaning of flag

Flag is the masculine noun that means flag or standard. The word tassel is directly associated with the identity of a country or organization and can be an insignia. In the same way,...

Definition of BTU

BTU is the acronym for British Thermal Unit, expression in English that means British Thermal Unit. BTU is a unit of energy, which measures the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature...

meaning of redeem

To redeem is a transitive verb that means to rescue, redeem, remove something or someone from someone else's power or domain. The act of redeeming is related to deliverance or salvation or the act that makes...

meaning of future

Porvir is a masculine noun that means future, what is yet to come or happen. Some synonyms for future can be future and posterity. Porvir in the Anthem of the Proclamation of the Republic Porvir...

Definition of Thermal Inversion

Thermal inversion is a typical meteorological phenomenon of industrial urban centers, which occurs when a layer of cold air, positioned over an industrial city, is suddenly covered by one...

Definition of Adolescence

Adolescence, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is the period that extends from 10 to 19 years of age. The Ministry of Health and the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics also consider...

Definition of Binary

Binary is the masculine adjective that indicates something that has two units or something that is composed of two elements of information. The binary numbering system is used in several areas of knowledge...

meaning of paroxysm

Paroxysm is a word from the medical field, and describes the moment of maximum intensity of a pain, illness or attack. Originating in the Greek paroxymós, etymologically it was related to a...

meaning of childhood

Childhood is the period of growth that goes from birth to puberty, that is, from zero to twelve years of age. According to the Statute of Children and Adolescents, a person with up to...

Definition of Taiga

Taiga, coniferous forest or boreal forest is a homogeneous forest of pine and fir trees, with needle-shaped (acculated) leaves that do not accumulate snow during the long winter, remaining...

meaning of NGO

NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization. These are all non-profit organizations created by people who work voluntarily in defense of a cause, be it protection of the environment...

Definition of Erosion

Erosion is the act of corroding, destroying, consuming, spending slowly and continuously. For example: dental erosion. Erosion is a wear process that acts by transforming and shaping the crust...

Expressions in English (21)

Definition of KitKit is an English word that means a set of objects or materials put together for...

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Expressions in English (19)

meaning of the bestThe Best is an English expression that means “the best”, literally translated ...

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Latest Meanings (29)

Meaning of Order and ProgressOrder and Progress is the phrase that is written on the Brazilian fl...

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