Latest Meanings (325)

Definition of Shavings

Sauce barbs is a popular expression in the Portuguese language. The complete expression is "to soak the beards" or "to soak the beards" and it means that the person in question must be patient,...

Definition of Banzo

Banzo means a feeling of nostalgia that African blacks have when they are away from their country, it is a term of African origin. Banzo means to be sad, thoughtful, astonished. The term banzo...

Project meaning

Project is a plan for the performance of an act and can also mean design, intention, outline. This is a word that comes from the Latin term projectum which means “something thrown forward”...

Meaning of Susceptible

Susceptible is a two-gender adjective that indicates the susceptibility of someone or something. Susceptible indicates the probability of something happening and classifies a person who undergoes changes and...

meaning of person

Person is a word originating from the Latin persona and that indicates a human being or creature, a man or woman, as a moral being. A person is a conscious being, with their own will and, therefore, starting from...

meaning of banal

Banal means that which has no originality, has no value, is common. Banal is something trivial, unimportant, it is something that is not given any value. The term can be used to characterize...

Definition of Bamba

Bamba is a word with many meanings. It is popularly used to designate a person who is expert in a particular subject, someone very good at what he does. Bamba is a brave, brave and...

Definition of Balaio de cat

Balaio de Gato is a popular expression that means confusion, trouble, difficult situation, embarrassment or disorder. "Balaio de Gato" is an expression used to define a messy place, where...

Definition of Backup

Backup is an English term meaning backup. It is often used in computing to indicate the existence of a copy of one or more files stored in different...

Definition of Baba egg

Baba ovo is a Brazilian slang used with the same meaning as the popular expression "sack kisser". Designates the individual who gives a lot of praise and flattery to another person usually with the intention of...

Definition of Azo

Azo has the same meaning as occasion, opportunity or pretext. Giving rise to a situation means giving an opening or reason for something to happen. Examples: "The communication made by the president of...

Definition of Azienda

Azienda is a word of Italian origin that means company. The term is used when studying the history of Accounting and in defining its main object, which is the company's equity. In...

meaning of performance

Performance is a feminine noun from the English language that means achievement, feat, feat or performance. The word performance comes from the English verb "to perform" which means...

Definition of Amalgam

Amalgam is an alloy of mercury with another metal, and has several functions, for example, tin amalgam serves to mirror glass, amalgam is also used in dentistry. An amalgam is...

meaning of altitude

Altitude is the vertical distance measured between a given point and mean sea level. The altitude and temperature of the place where it is measured are inversely proportional quantities, because when...

Popular Meanings (13)

Meaning of Language FiguresFigures of speech are resources used in speech or writing to make the ...

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Popular Meanings (14)

Definition of sarcasticSarcastic is a masculine adjective that qualifies an individual who reveal...

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Latest Meanings (12)

6 consequences of globalization in the worldGlobalization has far-reaching effects on our lifesty...

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