Meaning of Relapse (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Relapse corresponds to one who is negligent, that he does not pay due attention to his obligations.

It also refers to one who makes the same mistake over and over again.

It can be said that someone was relapsed when some failure happened while this person was supposed to be taking care of a certain process or operation.

Being remiss is related to lack of responsibility and/or laziness. One relapse professional it is someone who performs their function in a carefree or insufficient way, who commits mistakes due to lack of attention or interest.

It is also a term used when talking about parenting. relapse parents they are those, father or mother, who do not provide the assistance that the child should receive, whether in terms of health, education, housing, or even limits, affection and attention.

The term is a masculine noun. The opposite of relapse is zealous or careful.

relapse in english

The term relapse can be translated into English, in its proper sense, as negligent or reckless. The word relapse, even though it is very similar to Portuguese, it means relapse.

Synonyms for Relapse

  • chilled out
  • Negligent
  • Lazy
  • careless
  • Absent
  • repeat offender

See too: Lapse

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