Meaning of WMS (What they are, Concept and Definition)

WMS stands for Warehouse Management System, or "Warehouse Management System", in Portuguese.

WMS is a very important part of the supply chain, and provides targeted inventory rotation, intelligent inventory directives. picking, automatic consolidation and cross-docking to maximize the use of warehouse space.

WMS also manages and optimizes the layout of "put-away" or “placement in warehouse” (in Portuguese), based on real-time information about the status of shelf usage.

WMS has the function of controlling stocks and allows a warehouse to be automated, and for this reason it is widely used in supermarkets.

WMS is part of the system SAP, which can be used to control an entire company.

Operational WMS means that the company depends less on people's experience, as the system has the intelligence to operate the system.

WMS system

WMS systems use Auto ID Data Capture technologies such as barcodes, mobile devices and wireless LANs to efficiently monitor the flow of products.

After all data is collected, the WMS synchronizes through a centralized database, which can be by processing an entire batch, such as by real-time transmission over wireless networks.

This database can be used to provide useful reports on the status of goods in the warehouse.

Many WMS systems interface with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Enterprise Resource Planning (MRP) or with other types of management software, which provide a way to automatically receive inventories, process orders, and handle returns.

See also the meaning of software.

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