Expressions in English (4)

Definition of Let it be

Let it be is an expression from the English language that means “let it be” or “let it be”, in the literal translation to the Portuguese language. However, the closest expression in the language...

Definition of Screenshot

Screenshot is an English word that means “screen capture” or “screen capture” in Portuguese. It consists of the action of registering, through a...

Definition of Serial Killer

Serial killer is an expression in English that means “serial killer”, in Portuguese translation. The main characteristic of a serial killer is the sequence of murders that...

Definition of Stalkear

Stalkear is a word derived from the English stalker, which means “persecutor”. In this case, the Portuguese neologism means “act of persecuting”. The verb “stalkear” was created and disseminated...

Definition of High Society

High society is an expression in English that means “high society”, literally translated into Portuguese. The high society is how the so-called “upper class” became known, that is, a...

Definition of Flop

Flop is a common term in the English language, which means “failure” or “failure” in Portuguese. The flop is a term widely used in the language of the internet, especially in social networks,...

meaning of indie

Indie is an abbreviation of the term independent in English, which means "independent", in Portuguese, and refers to the product or cultural style that escapes the large masses, productions, companies or...

meaning of courier

Courier is a word of English origin, which means “mail” in the literal translation to the Portuguese language. This term can also be used in the sense of "messenger" or "guide",...

meaning of lobby

Lobby is a word of English origin that means “anteroom” or “hall”, in the literal translation into Portuguese. However, this term is commonly used to designate a group of...

Definition of hair stylist

Hair stylist is an English term that means “hair stylist”, in the literal translation for the Portuguese language. The hair stylist is a professional trained to advise on trends in...

Definition of Unfollow

Unfollow is a word in the English language and means “not to follow” in the literal translation to the Portuguese language. This foreign term is often used in digital social networks, when someone...

meaning of minion

Minion is an English term that can be translated into Portuguese as “henchman”, “servant”, “servant” or “laqueão”. This term is commonly used to describe...

meaning of maze

Maze is a noun in the English language and means “maze” in Portuguese translation. However, there are simple differences between mazes and labyrinth, even though they both mean the same...

Definition of Engagement

Engagement is an English word that can mean “engagement” or “commitment”, in Portuguese translation. Engagement is the English term for the engagement period, that is, a promise...

Definition of GG WP

GG WP is an acronym in English for good game, well played, which means “good game, well played”, in the literal translation to Portuguese. This acronym is used among online game players, such as...

Latest Meanings (86)

Meaning of ArrogantArrogant is an adjective of two genders that expresses a negative characterist...

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Latest Meanings (87)

Definition of Judiciary PowerThe Judiciary Power is one of the three powers of the State to which...

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Popular Meanings (87)

Definition of BypassBypass is an English term that means to bypass, bypass, bypass or go around. ...

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