Meaning of Life (What it is, Concept and Definition)

life means existence. From the Latin “vita”, which refers to life. It is the state of incessant activity common to organized beings. It is the period between birth is the death. By extension life is the time of existence or functioning of something.

The word life has a very broad concept and can have several meanings depending on the context where it is inserted:

Good life – is an idle life, without work or very profitable;

Social life – are all manifestations arising from the relationships between human beings;

Organic life – is the set of vital functions;

Dog life – it is a painful, hard, laborious, abused or miserable life;

Public life – is the exercise of any position or functions linked to the interests of the State or the community;

Latent life – is the life of the vegetable organ which, being alive, does not show any manifestation of life (mature seeds are organs with latent life);

Eternal life – is the spiritual existence after death;

Unitive life – in Theology, it is the life of perpetual union with God;

Damned with life – is being furious, angry, indignant;

All of life – is an expression that indicates going in the same direction, on the same path, without deviating.

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