Definition of Nuclear Energy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Nuclear energy, also known as atomic energy, is the energy produced from the fission of the nucleus of a atom, which releases a large amount of heat, enough to produce energy considered clean and renewable.

This is the energy produced in the thermonuclear plants, which use uranium and other elements as fuel for energy generation.

The operating principle of the plants and, consequently, what generates nuclear energy is the use of heat to generate electricity.

This heat is produced by the process of nuclear fission, in which the nucleus of the atom splits into two parts, thus causing the release of a large amount of energy.

This nuclear reaction mainly uses uranium atoms, a non-renewable mineral resource found in nature, which is also used in the production of radioactive material for use in medicine.

In addition to its use for peaceful purposes, uranium can also be used in the production of weapons, such as the atomic bomb.

Nuclear energy, produced through nuclear reactors can also be used for electric power generation, through the controlled reaction of fission.

However, it can also be used in the nuclear weapons production, through an uncontrolled reaction where fissions occur very quickly.

Among the countries that use nuclear energy are: United States, Japan, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, China, North Korea and Brazil.

See more about Nuclear fission.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Power


One of the great advantages of using nuclear energy to generate electricity is that it does not contribute to this effect. greenhouse, compared to the burning of fossil fuels (coal, gas or oil) which produces high gas emissions pollutants.

Other advantages are: greater independence for countries that import fossil fuels, use of small areas of land to install plants, etc.


The disadvantages of using nuclear energy include the risks of accidents in nuclear power plants, which can cause serious damage to the population and the environment).

The biggest disasters at nuclear power plants took place in Chernobyl and Fukushima. After the disaster in Fukushima (caused by an earthquake), there were several demonstrations against the existence of nuclear power plants. In Germany, for example, at least one nuclear power plant was shut down after the demonstrations.

There are also other disadvantages such as the possibility of use in the manufacture of atomic bombs; radioactive waste (atomic waste), despite the small amount generated, has no further use; involves high costs of construction and operation of the plants.

Nuclear energy in Brazil

Brazil is one of the countries that produce the most nuclear energy, due to the fact that it has the sixth largest uranium reserve in the world, which ensures an independent fuel supply.

However, the energy produced uses, instead of Uranium 235, Uranium 238, where the isotopes of this element have differences in their properties regarding the nuclear fission process and its use as fuel. This type of uranium appears as a yellow salt and is known as "yellow cake".

Brazil also has the Angra dos Reis plant, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, which is a major producer of nuclear energy.

See also what are the types of natural resources.

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