Meaning of Mutation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Mutation is the name given to the effect or action of change, change or to transform something; a metamorphosis or evolution.

In the field of biology, mutation is a term that defines the phenomenon of sudden and unexpected change in genetic material (DNA) of a living being, which can, from then on, be transmitted to its descendants.

The concept of mutation in biology emerged from observations made by the biologist Hugo de Vries, at the beginning of the 20th century.

When analyzing a group of plants and their heredity, the biologist noticed that sometimes some characteristics emerged. new and unpublished in some specimens, which were not visible in their ancestors. Thus, Hugo discovered that these were random and unexpected changes in the gene of these plants, which could, from then on, be transmitted to their descendants.

This discovery was of great help in better understanding the evolution scheme and the emergence of new genetic variations among organisms.

genetic mutation

In DNA molecules are found the particular characteristics that make up each living being. Genetic mutations can occur in any cell in the body, as they all contain DNA, whether they are somatic (skin, heart, liver, etc.) or so-called germ cells (the gametes).

The main difference between a somatic mutation is germline mutation it is in the impact they have on the evolution of the species. An organism that undergoes a change in its somatic cells will not transmit these changes to its descendants; while beings that have their germ cells (gametes, ie, sperm and eggs) modified, will be able to transmit this new genetic material to their future generations.

What characterizes a genetic mutation and yours not heredity, that is, it is not a factor that is related to the DNA of the ancestors, but rather an independent transformation of the genetic material, modifying a certain physiological characteristic or in the functioning of the living being's organism, differentiating it from the others of its species. This modification, however, may be present in their descendants.

Learn more about the meaning of DNA.

Mutations are caused by factors called mutagens, which can be of radioactive or chemical origin, such as exposure to x-rays, gamma rays and other ionizing radiation (which form ions inside cells), altering their structure.

At genetic mutations they can also arise spontaneously, such as from a defect in the multiplication process of the chromosomes that make up the DNA or from an alteration in the sequence of pairs of a given gene.

Mutation Types

There are two main types of mutations: gene mutations and chromosomal mutations.

At gene mutations are changes in just a few stretches of DNA molecules, while chromosomal mutations are changes in entire chromosome sequences, which can be structural (change in gene sequence) or numerical (in the amount of chromosomes).

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