Popular Expressions (6)

Definition of Gandaia

Gandaia is the act of rummaging through garbage in search of something valuable or the lifestyle of an idle person; a rogue; someone who lives a life without rules or limits. The word gandaia is etymologically from...

Definition of Caboclo

Caboclo is the designation given in Brazil to the individual who was generated from the miscegenation of an Indian with a white man. This name is also used to describe the figure of the man from the hinterland...

Definition of Cafuzo

Cafuzo is the name given in Brazil to individuals generated from the miscegenation between Indians and African blacks. Typically, cafuzos are characterized by dark skin pigmentation,...

Definition of cold cow

Cold cow is a popular expression used when the speaker wants to return to the initial topic of a conversation; a subject that is no longer new, but still needs to be discussed or deepened. THE...

meaning of white elephant

White elephant is an expression used to classify something that is valuable or that cost a lot of money, but that has no practical use or importance. Popularly, the expression white elephant is...

meaning of fool

Fool is an adjective that refers to that individual who says or does foolishness, that is, who practices nonsense, who has no intelligence or judgment. The adjective "fool" is also used to express that something or...

Definition of Cotton Wedding (2 years of marriage)

Cotton Wedding is the name given to the celebration of the second year of marriage. Traditionally, each wedding anniversary is associated with material that represents the couple's relationship. The Wedding...

Significance of Silver Wedding (25 years of marriage)

Silver Wedding is the name given to the celebration of 25 years of marriage. According to popular tradition, each wedding anniversary is associated with a specific type of material, such as a shape...

Meaning of Paper Weddings (1 year of marriage)

Paper wedding is the name given to the celebration of the first year of marriage. Each wedding anniversary is associated with the material and this name starts to represent the date. Paper, for example, symbolizes the...

meaning of carte blanche

Free letter is an expression that means the total freedom to make decisions regarding a certain situation. A white card can also mean a card (from a deck, for example) of the color...

meaning of yolo

Yolo is an English motto, an acronym that stands for You Only Live Once, which translates to You Only Live Once. It consists of internet slang that has achieved great popularity. This motto is...

meaning of silly

Bobo is a masculine adjective used to describe an individual who only says or does uninteresting things; uninteresting; a naive person; one who commits nonsense or stupidity. This term came up...

Definition of Teúda and Manteúda

Teúda e Manteúda is an expression existing in the archaic Portuguese language and which means the equivalent of "held and maintained", in the contemporary language. These terms are still used today in a context...

meaning of dondoca

Dondoca is an informal expression typically Brazilian used to define a woman who has futile preferences or who appears to be rich and spoiled. Another meaning for dondoca would be linked to vanity...

meaning of bocó

Bocó is an informal Brazilian expression, used as a synonym for the adjectives silly, fool, idiot or ignorant. The word bocó does not have such a negative connotation as "stupid", "dumb" or...

Popular Meanings (234)

Definition of Public ServicePublic service is an activity carried out with the participation of t...

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Latest Meanings (231)

Definition of ReservoirDeposit is the name given to the place where someone rests or is lying dow...

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Latest Meanings (230)

meaning of successSuccess is the name given to the outcome that presents a positive, gratifying o...

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