Meaning of Aptitude (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Aptitude is a feminine noun that names the ability of one who is fit, that is, one who has the ability to perform a task correctly.. From the Latin “aptitudine” which means “capable of”.

Having aptitude is to gather a set of characteristics indicative of the individual's own abilities, which make him/her capable of acquiring some specific knowledge. It's the ability to learn.

In the field of Psychology, aptitude comprises both the cognitive capacity and the individual's emotional and personality characteristics. Aptitude is associated with intelligence and innate abilities or those resulting from acquired knowledge.

Aptitude is always the result of the interaction between heredity and the environment, and may be related to several areas, including the logical reasoning, abstract reasoning, verbal reasoning, numerical ability, artistic ability, physical endurance etc.

They are synonyms of aptitude: competence, dexterity, ability and ability.

Physical aptitude

Physical fitness is the individual's ability to perform physical activities with vigor and willingness. Physical fitness is related to athletic performance taking into account the specificity of each sport performed.

Physical fitness is related to health when cardiorespiratory endurance is taken into account, body composition, skeletal muscle fitness, muscle strength, muscle endurance and flexibility.

Physical fitness is also related to skill, considering agility, balance, coordination, power and reaction time to a stimulus.

A physical fitness test aims to verify, by performing specific exercises, if the individual has the essential motor skills for the subsequent performance of certain activities.

Read more about Physical aptitude.

cardiorespiratory fitness

Cardiorespiratory fitness is the ability to persist in strenuous task practices involving large muscle groups for prolonged periods of time. It is the ability of the circulatory system and respiratory system to adjust to and recover from the effects of moderate-intensity or vigorous activities.

Cardiorespiratory fitness is directly related to how much the individual is able to absorb oxygen into the lungs, transport it through the bloodstream to the skeletal muscles that are working in vigorous or prolonged exercise, also counting on the efficiency of the heart.

professional aptitude

Professional aptitude is the specific skill of each individual that will determine the choice of their future profession. According to researchers, it is in childhood that the biological bases of skills are stimulated and sculpted. The more space children and young people have to experiment and express their interests, the more defined their skills will be.

The expression of a professional aptitude is the vocation, it is it that will indicate the interests, values ​​and talent, which will guide the individual towards the choice of his future professional life.

Professional aptitude arises from interest in a specific area, however, it may not surface in the individual, who may resort to a professional advisor or count on the help of a psychologist, who, through interviews, tests, and information about the professions, should help the young person to awaken their slope.

See also

  • Abiliity
  • Vocation
  • Fitness

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