Meaning of the Information System (What it is, Concept and Definition)

information system is the model, automated or manual, of processes responsible for collecting and transmitting data that are useful for the development of products or services companies, organizations and other projects.

In this system, all the component components are interrelated, acting together to reach the central object of the project.

Types of Information Systems

There are 4 main levels with specific information systems that work in different sectors of the organization:

  • Strategic level systems: at this level, the so-called Executive Support System (SAEx) operates, responsible for helping executives to create long-term strategies to follow trends in the external environment (market and consumption, for example).
  • Management level / tactical level systems: based on both the Management Information System (MIS) and the Decision Support System (SAD), this level has the function of producing periodic reports on the administrative procedures of the middle managers of the organization.
  • Knowledge Level Systems: operates through Knowledge Worker Systems and Office Automation Systems (STC), responsible for enabling the integration of new technologies and information into the organization.
  • Operational level systems: Transaction Processing Systems (SPT) support operational managers by providing quick answers to the organization's routine questions. This system is also responsible for providing easily accessible, accurate and up-to-date information.

Health Information System - SIS

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Health Information System consists of a tool for monitoring and collecting data on the reality of health conditions of a given population.

From this mechanism, it is possible to plan, organize, operate and evaluate strategies that help to solve possible problems found in the local health system.

The SIS is also composed of subsystems that help in the organization and collection of data in specific health sectors, such as:

  • Mortality Information System (SIM): collection of data on the mortality rate at the site.
  • Live Birth Information System (SINASC): record of all individuals who were born alive in a given territory.
  • Notifiable Diseases Information System (Sinan): monitoring of epidemics, outbreaks and other cases of aggravating diseases.
  • Hospital Information System (SIH): information about hospital admissions.

There are still other subsystems, such as the Outpatient Information System (SIA), O Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (SISVAN), and the Evaluation of the Immunization Program (API), for example.

Information Systems Course

In Brazil, the higher education course in Information Systems trains the individual to act as a professional who manages the flow of information in a computer network.

See also: the meaning of Information Technology.

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