Meaning of Singular (What it is, Concept and Definition)

singular is an adjective referring to what is unique, exclusive, peculiar, rare or that differs from others by its exceptionality.

As an adjective, the singular word can be applied to express several meanings, ranging from the state of surprise, amazement or to indicate the unusualness of something.

Example: “At the top of that mountain there is a unique house. There is nothing like it in the region”.

The singular is related to the concept of singularity, that is, when something belongs or is used only by a specific individual.

From a semantic point of view, in the grammar of the Portuguese language the singular is a verbal inflection to refer to a single subject or thing.

Example: “He has a car” or “I ate a pie”.

The conjugation of verbs in Portuguese is divided as follows: first person singular (I), second person singular (You), third person singular (He or She).

There are still verbs for plurals: first person plural (We), second person plural (You) and third person plural (They or They).

Singular and plural

Singular and plural are opposites, for while the former is related to what is unique, the plural refers to yours, which is composed of more than one element.

Example: “He has a house” (singular) / “She bought three loaves” (plural).

According to the grammar of the Portuguese language, the verb is inflected and its spelling is usually altered according to the number (singular or plural).

Example: “house” (singular) / “houses” (plural) or “airplane” (singular) / “airplanes” (plural).

See also the meaning of verb.

Synonyms for singular

  • Rare
  • Individual
  • Special
  • Distinct
  • Particular
  • Original
  • Different
  • Incomparable
  • Single
  • Peculiar
  • Unusual
  • Private
  • Specific
  • Own

See also the meaning of plurality and definite and indefinite article.

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