Meaning of Art (What it is, Concept and Definition)

art is the expression of an aesthetic ideal (that is, of an ideal of beauty) through a creative activity. It is a universal human manifestation (exists in all cultures) that produces things recognized as beautiful by society. A work of art conveys an idea, a feeling, a belief or an emotion. But art can also have a transgressive purpose, exposing to the world a critical and not always pleasant view of reality.

Art is linked to aesthetics, because it is considered a faculty or act by which, working on a subject, the image or sound, man creates beauty by striving to give expression to the material or immaterial world that inspires. The term art comes from the Latin word ars, which means "talent", "knowing how to do".

There are many definitions of art and its meaning varies according to time and culture. Currently, the word art is used to designate artistic activity or the product of artistic activity. As an activity, art is a human creation with aesthetic values ​​achieved through a set of techniques.

For the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 a. C.), art imitates nature (mimesis), but also sometimes completes it. According to Aristotle, the natural propensity of man to imitate is at the origin of artistic activity.

For the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), art differs from nature for being a rational and free activity. Thus, a spider's web, although it may look beautiful, is not a work of art, as it is a mechanical and natural task.

For Kant, art is also different from science, since to produce a work of art it is not enough to have knowledge about a certain subject - it is necessary to have the ability to do it. Kant defines aesthetic art as that whose immediate purpose is the feeling of pleasure, not only the pleasure linked to sensations, but also the pleasure of reflection.

The difficulty in defining art lies in its direct relationship and dependence on the historical and cultural context that gave rise to it. This is because when a style is created and stabilized, it breaks with established systems and codes.

For primitive peoples, art, religion and science walked together in the figure and, originally, art could be understood as the product or process in which knowledge is used to carry out certain skills.

Art is a reflection of the human being and often represents their social condition and essence of being a thinker.

Read about the Definition of Aesthetics.

art history

The history of art consists of a science that studies artistic movements, changes in aesthetic enhancement, works of art and artists. This analysis is carried out according to the social, political and religious aspects of the period under study. Several other sciences help in the history of art, such as numismatics, paleography, history, archeology, etc.

Through the history of art, it is possible to learn a little about the human being through the evolution of different expressions and artistic manifestations.

type of gear

Art is presented in various forms such as art, music, sculpture, cinema, theater, dance, architecture, etc. There are several expressions that serve to describe different manifestations of art, for example: visual arts, performing arts, graphic art, visual arts, etc.

Some authors (such as Hegel and Ricciotto Canudo) and thinkers have organized the different arts into a numbered list. The inclusion of some art forms was not very consensual, but with the evolution of technology, this is the most common list these days:

1st Art - Music;
2nd Art - Dance / Choreography;
3rd Art - Painting;
4th Art - Sculpture / Architecture;
5th Art - Theater;
6th Art - Literature;
7th Art - Cinema;
8th Art - Photography;
9th Art - Comics;
10th Art - Computer and Video Games;
11th Art - Digital art.

See also the meanings of Abstract art, Art Nouveau and read about the meaning of Art Types.

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