Meaning of Proud (What it is, Concept and Definition)

proud is the one who have or are proud of. It is also the overt manifestation of the feeling of pride.

The term proud can be positive or negative, depending on the context to which it is applied.

When talking about reaping the fruits of successful work, the term proud is associated with a good feeling. As a "proud father", an expression usually associated with the achievement of children such as graduations, among other milestones in the child's life.

In this sense, those who feel the honor of the action can say to the one who did it: "I'm proud of you", or "I'm proud of you".

Feeling proud is being satisfied, or even admired, and feeling positively contemplated with the action of the other, even if it is not a direct benefit to that person. The coach of an athlete who won a medal during the Olympics may say to his student "I am proud of you", as he performed well and this gave the feeling of satisfaction to the trainer.

Pejoratively, the proud is the one who demonstrates exaggerated vanity. It is usually associated with stubbornness, difficulty in accepting help or admitting mistakes because it is a sign of weakness. As in the phrase "he is too proud a man to apologize". In other words, he is not going to "join my arms," ​​as the popular expression says.

It can also be associated with prejudice. A proud person, in the negative sense of the word, is someone so full of himself that he does not tolerate differences, people who are not like him, or what he understands by hierarchically superior.

In English, the term proud can be translated to proud.

Synonyms for Proud:

  • Admired
  • Vain
  • Convinced
  • Soobe
  • prim
  • Inflated
  • haughty
  • Immodest
  • Pretentious

See too:Pride

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