Meaning of Ostracism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Ostracism means isolation or exclusion. It is a term from the Ancient Greece and it was a form of punishment applied to citizens suspected of exercising excessive power and restricting public freedom.

Ostracism is the removal (tax or voluntary) of an individual from the social environment or participation in activities that were previously customary. A form of ostracism happens with some frequency in the artistic world, when the professional disconnects from the public, being, at times, completely forgotten.

A case that can be referred to as ostracism happened with the Brazilian samba artist Cartola. He withdrew from the music business for nearly two decades (between the 1930s and 1950s) and was even presumed dead. Cartola is considered by many critics as the greatest samba dancer in the history of Brazilian music.

O social ostracism it is a type of discrimination that occurs when a certain individual is excluded or separated for social reasons.

greek ostracism

In its original conception, at the time of Cleisthenes in Ancient Greece, ostracism represented the exile of a particular citizen. The law was instituted in Athens as a measure to prevent the formation of a new tyranny.

When an individual was considered a threat to the community, a plebiscite that would decide whether or not he would be removed from the community. When the decision was in favor of ostracism, the individual's name was written on a small tablet that was called "ostraka" (Ostraco in Portuguese). In some cases, the convict was not popular among the people, and there was no legitimate reason to remove him.

Ostracism usually lasted for 10 years and did not result in deprivation of rights and assets. Some of the most famous ostracisms in Ancient Greece were those of Themistocles, Aristides, Cimon and Hipparchus.

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