Meaning of Bulimia (What it is, Concept and Definition)

bulimia it is a eating disorder that leads the person to exaggerate food intake and then induce vomiting, or even make use of other resources such as taking laxatives, going for a long period without eating or exercising excessively, to prevent the gain of Weight.

The word "bulimia" is derived from the Greek term "bos" = ox and "limos" = hunger.

The practice of bulimia can lead to serious health complications, such as malnutrition, inflammation in the throat, dehydration, fainting, cardiac arrhythmia, gastrointestinal problems, which may even lead to the death.

Bulimia and Anorexia


Anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight and an exaggerated preoccupation with weight. The person looks in the mirror and thinks they are fat, even if they are very thin.

This fear of gaining weight leads the person to make inadequate diets, fasts, exercise intensely and even use other methods to lose even more weight.

The most striking feature of anorexia is the exaggerated thinness, which can reach a degree of extreme malnutrition called cachexia.

People with anorexia can also develop bulimia as a consequence of that disorder.

Anorexia is associated with exaggerated perfectionism, anxiety and obsessive behaviors.

Learn more about the meaning of Anorexia.


Bulimia is an eating disorder characterized by the compulsive ingestion of large amounts of food in a short period of time, followed by induced vomiting, use of laxatives and diuretics, prolonged fasts and excessive physical activity to avoid gaining weight.

In most cases, bulimia affects women who are within the ideal weight, but who are obsessed with the body and therefore follow very strict diets.

In fact, bulimia is not marked by people's exaggerated thinness, as occurs in anorexia, being more related to low self-esteem and depressive symptoms.

Causes of Bulimia

Bulimia can be caused by several factors, including psychological disorders, where the individual is obsessed for perfect diet and fitness, but eats wildly and feels guilty for overdoing calories ingested.

Genetic predisposition, dissatisfaction with one's own body, obsessive preoccupation with physical fitness, social and family pressures are among the main causes of bulimia.

The treatment of bulimia is multidisciplinary and involves a physician, psychologist, psychiatrist and nutritionist.

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