Meaning of Assessment (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Assessment is the feminine noun that means act of evaluating, or refer to that assessment. It can be synonymous with I estimated or appreciation.

An appraisal can be an estimate of the value of something or some work. In real estate, for example, an appraisal is done by an appraiser and consists of the commercial value of a property.

Business valuation is an accounting-related activity that consists of assessing the economic situation of a company or institution. Still in the context of an organization or institution, the performance evaluation it is an appreciation of a worker's behavior within a company. The performance evaluation is carried out taking into account the expectations established by the company's managers and the actual results achieved by the employee.

School evaluation

Within the scope of pedagogy, school evaluation is a systematized process of recording and appreciation of the results obtained in relation to previously established educational goals.

The learning assessment is more frequent in the case of students, and it is done through written and oral tests, tests, participation in classes, etc. Several authors considered the method of assessment through tests and tests to be subjective and artificial, which does not always manage to assess what the student's ability and what he really knows. For this reason, many schools use the continuous assessment system, where learning sequences are monitored effectively, enabling the student to see their evolution and control their learning.

Assessment can also be done in relation to teachers, schools or the teaching program.

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