Youngest is a word originating from the Kimbundu term kasule, which means “last child” or “last in the family”. Youngest is the designation given to the child or sister/youngest in a family...
Elixir is a preparation, or potion, formed by a specific active ingredient, ethyl alcohol and aromatic substances. The elixir has a sugary taste and must be taken orally. The elixir is a...
Simple is a two-gender, two-number adjective that describes something that is uncomplicated, unadorned, or clear, evident, or natural. You can also designate an easy task to...
List means to enumerate, catalog, compose a list, table or list. Designates the act of putting on a cast or a list. Cast is synonymous with "list", "summary", "catalog", "index"...
Elephant is the name given to the largest terrestrial mammal. It is part of the group of proboscides, animals that have a proboscis-shaped nose and whose defenses, lengthening of the incisor teeth, constitute the...
Eject means eject or throw out. In Informatics, the term is commonly used to designate the act of removing a USB device connected to the computer using a specific command for this...
Earth axis is an imaginary line that passes through the center of the Earth, going from the North Pole to the South Pole. The Earth moves around the imaginary axis, taking a total of 24 hours to complete the turn...
Physical Education is a discipline that aims to improve, control and maintain the health of the human body and mind. It consists of a set of planned and structured physical activities...
Disclaimer is a feminine noun meaning correction, observation, amendment, rectification or safeguard. A caveat can also be like a kind of errata, that is, a note that serves to...
Uhull is an onomatopoeia that serves as a manifestation of great joy and extreme satisfaction. Being an onomatopoeia, this word can also appear in the form "uhul" and is an imitation of a sound that...
Spin-off, also called derivation, is a term used to designate that which was derived from something previously developed or researched. It is used in several areas, such as business, in...
Consent is a masculine noun that expresses the action of consenting, and means giving permission or permission for a certain act to be performed. Consent happens when there is a free...
Unforeseen is a word used to describe an unforeseen, unexpected or surprising event. The word unforeseen derives from the Latin term videre (which means to see) and refers to something...
Where Judas lost his boots is a popular Portuguese expression that is used to describe a place that is very far away, difficult to reach or even inaccessible. There are several expressions...
Thor is a character within Norse mythology, also known as the God of Thunder. He is characterized by his strong stature, red beard and hair, and possessing a powerful hammer...