Meaning of Unagi (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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unagiis a concept mentioned by Ross Geller, character of sitcom friends that defines a state of total consciousness, where the reaction speed is so fast that it functions almost like a sixth sense.

In addition, unagi is also the Japanese word for Asian cuisine, a eel used to make sushi.

unagi at the friends

In the episode "The One With Unagi", Ross explains that he learned the art of unagi while he was studying karate and that when an individual achieves the unagi, he can defend himself from any danger at any time. achieve the unagi allows a person to enter a state of full awareness, predicting the immediate future through the body language, movement of an object and anything that is possible to assume from physics basic.

The appropriate sign for "Unagi" is shown making a fist and then putting out his index and middle finger on his temple, almost like a salute.

unagi Sushi

unagiThe term unagi comes from Japanese and is the word for freshwater eel, especially Japanese eel, known as anguilla japonica.

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It is a common ingredient in the world of Japanese cuisine, as it is a dish enjoyed by many. O unagi it is rich in protein, vitamin A and calcium.

Unakyu is a common expression used for sushi made with unagi and cucumber. unagi can also be served as part of unadon, a plate of grilled eel served on a bed of rice. A kind of sweet biscuit made from unagi also exists.

In Japan, restaurants specializing in unagi are common, and the unagi it is particularly eaten during hot summers in Japan. There's even a special day to eat unagi, the summer day of the ox.

know more about types of sushi.

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