Honor is a principle of human behavior that acts based on kind values, such as honesty, dignity, courage and other characteristics that are considered socially virtuous.
The concept of honor can be related to several meanings, being the association with the feeling of self pride ("personal honor") and the consideration or admiration behavior of others. used. Example: "She bestowed him the honor of her company" or "The man kept the honor as a true king".
the idea of "have honor" it can also mean "to stand out", that is, someone who has privileges or distinction among others at a given time. In addition, "an honor" can be offered to someone in a sense of honor, as a way of showing respect. Typically, people awarded an honor are given a symbol, such as a diploma or medal of honor.
The expression "men of honor", for example, is used to designate those trustworthy individuals who honor their actions or promises.
In the religious sphere, honor is understood mainly as an act of worshiping or worshiping a deity or a saint. Example: "Celebration in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus".
In the holy bible of Christian doctrine the so-called "Ten Commandments of the Kingdom of God" are present, and among them is the command to "Honor mother and father", that is, respect and admire them. as well as is present in the book of Romans 12:10“Love one another cordially with brotherly love, preferring one another in honor.
In the past, honor was also associated with the virginity and purity of girls, who had to maintain their chastity to "keep their honor", their "dignity as a woman".
THE Bridesmaid it is represented by the figure of a female child who carries the rings at the wedding ceremony.
Traditionally, bridesmaids wear a dress and carry the wedding rings while scattering rose petals wherever they go.
Synonyms of honor
- Worship
- Chastity
- Dignity
- Distinction
- honor
- Punishment
- Purity
- Glory
- Honesty
See also the meaning of honoris causa.