Meaning of Justification (What it is, Concept and Definition)

The justification is any and all proof or cause that confirms the veracity and occurrence of a fact or the justice of an action taken.

It refers to every action that can support a supposed hypothesis of some knowledge, cause or action. It is like an explanation of the causes that lead a given fact to occur, in the search to find the justice necessary for a given event.

Justification can also refer to different aspects of life. In the legal field, for example, it comes into contact with the establishment of jurisprudence and legislation to apply justice in the face of certain behaviors.

With regard to currents of thought and doctrines, justification seeks to establish support from elements that are understandable or not in our existence.

It can also refer to the motivations that lead an individual to act in a certain way, such as missing an important commitment, for example.

The following synonyms of justification are often used to replace this word: explanation, foundation, reason, motivation, apology, proof, defense, why, satisfaction, pretext, motive, excuse, cause, argument, allegation, between others.

Justification in scientific projects

In the field of science, justification is considered one of the fundamental parts of the methodology of scientific research and projects, as it seeks explanations based on appropriate methods and resources such as theories, research and experiments.

The justification can then be produced through several methods, which can vary according to each science. For example, to carry out research, the natural sciences rely on empirical elements. The social sciences, on the other hand, resort to analyzing the facts that characterize their object of study.

See the meaning of Scientific research it's from Research.

Justification in the TCC

Normally, the justification appears in most scientific and academic productions. The most common of these is in higher education course completion papers (TCC).

The justification step in a TCC intends emphasize the importance of the proposed theme and the need for further study, using objective arguments and citations from recognized authors in the area studied.

See more about the meaning of TCC and how to make the methodology for the TCC.

Electoral justification

The electoral justification is the request presented by the voter, when he is not present at his electoral address on polling day. It can be applied for at any polling station and can be filed within 60 days from the election date by the voter who has failed to vote for any justifiable reason.

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